Level Up Your Driving With Our New Adult Class

Master the Road, Not Just Your Commute!

Ever feel a little out of touch on the road? You're not alone. Driving skills can become rusty over time, and new safety techniques emerge constantly. That's why DriveStrong is excited to announce our brand new Adult Driver Course!

This course isn't for beginners. It's designed for experienced drivers who want to learn advanced techniques, boost their confidence behind the wheel, and sharpen their existing skills.

How Can an Adult Driver Education Course Benefit You?

  • Structured learning can help you identify any bad driving habits you may have unknowingly developed.

  • Refreshed skills and knowledge can boost a parent's confidence behind the wheel, leading to calmer and more controlled driving.

  • Seeing their parents actively improve their driving sets a positive example for children about lifelong learning and safe driving practices.

    Overall, parents taking an adult driving course creates a positive and educational environment for both them and their children, fostering safer driving habits for the whole family.

* A minimum of 5 years of driving experience is recommended.

Our half-day program delves into the world of motorsports-derived driving strategies, helping you become a smoother, more aware driver.

Here's a taste of what you'll learn:

  • Car Control: Demystifying oversteer and understeer

  • Threshold Braking: Stopping with precision and control

  • Weight Transfer: Utilizing weight distribution for optimal handling

  • Cornering Techniques: Setting up for smooth, efficient turns

  • Maintaining Speed Through Corners: Master the art of carrying momentum

  • Emergency Avoidance Maneuvers: Reacting confidently in unexpected situations

  • Harnessing Peripheral Vision: Expanding your awareness for increased safety